
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Home is Where... You Run Fast

"Close you eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, there's no place like home." -The Wizard of Oz

Home!!!!! Finally, for the first time since early August, I slept in my own bed last night. I got to hang out with my dog. Most importantly I got to run on my own trails. Oh, Fort Atkinson, how I've missed you. It's so nice to be able to run and not worry about dodging angry Milwaukee drivers or breathing in the pollution or having nothing softer than concrete to run on. 

So this morning, I had a moderate workout....45 minutes total with 2x5 minutes at tempo and 5x 40 seconds fast. So I went out to Dorothy Carnes Park....(After drinking massive amounts of coffee with my mom of course)

The footing out there is a little iffy because the trails aren't really that well groomed...I stepped in a few holes which is difficult when you're trying to do a speed workout. But nevertheless it was worth it. 

Jealous? You should be. It's absolutely gorgeous here this time of year. I'm always so amazed when I'm running in such a beautiful place. 
Oh yeah...the workout itself? Was actually deceptively easy. I'm not 100% sure why it felt so good. Maybe I was just running slowly. Or maybe my legs are just starting to feel better....or maybe my confidence is inching it's way back. I eased myself into a quick warmup for the first 12 minutes or so stopped for a second and worked into my first 5 minute segment. Two minutes after that I did my second. At the 30 minute mark I started in on my 5x40 second pickups at race pace. All of this felt really good. In fact, I wasn't really all that tired afterwards. Finally, I pulled off my shoes and did some strides barefoot on the grass trails. 

Luckily due to my excellent fashion sense my legs weren't bothering me half as much as they have been the past few weeks.  Yay compression socks!!!
All in all it was a pretty good day. I've missed being home more than I thought. I miss waking up to the sweet almond-shaped eyes of a collie every morning. I miss Saturday mornings at small-town farmer's markets. I miss my own warm bed and being able to run on lonely country roads.
 Hopefully along with speed, I also found some confidence back home. There really is no place like home. 

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