
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hold Your Breath!

So here's the deal. My two weeks are up on Tuesday. That's right. I get to run on Tuesday. Well....I don't get to "real life run". But I do get to run on the Alter-G. For those of you who don't know, I spent all last summer running on this contraption. So now that I got injured again, it's time again to go back to running at 50% of my body weight. 

The thing is though, I'm not really that sure that I want to go running. For starters, I tweaked my knee this week. This was of course, all my fault because I'm am idiot and overdid the spinning this week. I don't think (I hope!!!!) that this knee thing is nothing serious. I can't imagine that cycling could do any damage to my knee. But still, for my first run I want everything to be perfect. I have quite enough to worry about considering my foot and the fact that I'm out of shape. I don't want to be worrying about my foot too. And furthermore, this is my first run back. If I don't have to cut it back due to my foot, it would be devastating if I had to cut it due to an injury that is completely unrelated to the initial injury. 

So, in conclusion I'm going into hibernation these next couple of days. I was supposed to do a 2 hour spin today which I cut, and also another 2 hours tomorrow evening. But today, I decided to hop in the pool, and even that hurt my knee, as did the elliptical. So I decided to play it safe and stick with yoga for the next two days. 

But really, that's not the point of this story. The point is that I'm seriously afraid to start running again. It has nothing to do with the fact that I tweaked my knee, it has more to do with the fact that I'm afraid that my heel will hurt. I haven't run in 17 weeks. SEVENTEEN weeks. But I still can't get over the fact that I think it's going to hurt. 

If it does, I'm not really sure how I'll get over it. But, until then I'll be holding my breath and hoping that I make it through my first 30 minute run in almost 5 loooong months. I'm not even sure that I want to start running again. 

I should stop complaining. I really am excited, even if I am more nervous to run again than I was for my graduate school interview. I can't imagine what it's going to feel like to run again, even if it is on a treadmill at  50% of my body weight. 

Let's be honest. I'm so excited to start running again. 


  1. Wow this blog makes me want to train for a half-marathon! Hope you don't mind the random comment. I happened upon this blog while looking around blogger this morning. May I follow your blog? Feel free to follow mine as well if you wish. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thank you very much. And please follow! I'm glad you liked it.
