
Friday, August 5, 2011

Random Fact Friday

Running is the ultimate faith healer, restoring belief not only in oneself but life’s possibilities

1.  I'm not looking forward to how much I'm going to miss biking when cross country season starts.My physical therapist didn't let me bike this week because I'm running Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Considering how much I hated biking at the beginning of the summer I really miss it now.

2. You don't need a watch to do a speed workout :)

3. When I deliver pizzas I often run between the person's house and my car....extra mileage you know.

4.When I'm stressed I organize. Compulsively.

5. I used to get really nervous before races and throw-up.

6. I still get nervous but I try never to show it.

7. Whenever I do a really hard/long workout I go to the gas station and buy one of those giant 1 liter bottles of Power-aid.

8. Even though I run/swim/bike every day I still feel really out of shape.

9. I can't wait to graduate from college

10. I feel more tired when I get 8+ hours of sleep than when I get 5-6.

11. I don't drink very much. I'd like to think that I'm a fun person to go drinking with but the truth is, alcohol just makes me sleepy. If you really want to see me acting strange give me soda.

12. I am almost always cold. For me to not be cold it has to be about 85. For me to be hot it has to be 95. And I have to be running.

13. My roommate and I have been best friends since 8th grade. She's the best and oldest friend I have.

14. I live in Wisconsin, but I want to go to graduate school in California.

15.  I don't sleep in my bed. I sleep on top of it wrapped up in a giant pink blanket. The reason? I never have to make my bed in the morning. Plus I sleep better this way.

16.  For moving back to college, I'm trying to bring as little as possible so I'm weeding things out. But it's hard, because I have a strange emotional attachment to anything anyone has ever given me.

17. My boyfriend has a twin sister. This really excites me because I've always always wanted a twin sister. This is the closest I think I'm ever going to get to having my own. I feel like I've found some sort of loophole to the rule that says that to have a twin you must be born with one.

18. I'm going to run 7 miles today :)

19. I have really frustrating hair. It's neither curly nor straight and always does the opposite of what I want it to. I think it just hates me for how much I swim.

20.  I love thunderstorms. Whenever there is one I sit next to a window and watch it until it's over.

Happy weekend everyone :)

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