
Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Fact Friday!

I think and think, I‘ve thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it. ~Jonathan Foer

1. I can't play board games or anything else like that because I get too competitive and therefore, too cranky when I loose. 

2. My favorite professional runners are Ryan Hall and Desiree Davila.  

3. When I get upset I go shopping. I don't usually buy anything unless it's really cheap, but there's something soothing about wandering around a mall or Target. 

4.  It bothers me when people sit on a treadmill/elliptical/indoor bike and read. I mean, are you really trying to get a workout in? 

5. I hate when people are late. It's my #2 pet peeve. Right behind smoking. 
6. I used to be really hard core about biking in the cold. Now that I discovered the beauty of the indoor trainer it's more like "Um...under 70 degrees? No thanks"

7.  Sometimes I go back and read my older posts to make sure I didn't miss any typos. If I did, I always fix it. 

8. My 15 week doctor appointment and (hopefully) my last x-ray are both today. 

9. Despite the above I have little to no desire to start running right now. 

10. I am so in love with compression socks

11. Following a nutritional plan is not half as pleasant as I expected it to be. 

12. For one of my classes I'm giving a presentation on how to properly use Shakespearean insults in every day life. 

13. I check the 10-day  weather forecast at least every other day. 

14. This week I somehow got nominated to be featured on a bulletin board at my school. 

15.  When I was younger I had two guinea pigs which I "accidentally" left together in the same cage. I did this on purpose, hoping they would have babies. They did. For awhile we had a grand total of 10 guinea pigs running around. 

16. My favorite Disney movie is Mulan. 

17. I'm an extremely self-conscious person.

18. If I ever become really rich I have a pre-formed very specific list of charities that I'm going to send all of my money to. I don't really want to keep any of it. 

19.  My ipod has different playlists for different workouts there's : Speed Workout, Pool Workouts, and Spin

20. I strongly believe that when toilet paper is on a dispenser it should unroll from the top and not the bottom. No matter where I am, if someone has done this improperly, I change it. 

Have a good (and hopefully warm) weekend!


  1. #20 is funny...because I do the exact opposite. toilet paper should come from underneath the roll, otherwise the cats will be able to unroll the entire thing. and yes, I fix the toilet paper rolls even in places without cats. ;)

  2. if I could wear 2 pairs of compression socks at once, I would, that's how much I love them. happy friday!
