
Friday, February 3, 2012

Random Fridays

"Don't put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get." - Michael Phelps

1. Yesterday....due to the disaster of Tuesday, I walked into a bike store to buy a new pump. I got to talking with the sales manager and walked out with a new pump and an application. Can you say best summer job ever???

2. I'm afraid that I'm going to get to grad school and hate it. I'm also afraid that I'll be so busy with grad school that I'll have to give up all of my other hobbies. What I really want is to work out for 5 hours a day and get paid for it. hahah

3. I don't really like plain water unless I'm desperately thirsty. 

4. Since moving back to Milwaukee after Christmas break, I have yet to take a shower in my own apartment. All of my showers have been at the pool. ew. 

5. When I "run in" to places really quickly like grocery stores or the post office I almost never lock my car.  

6. I rarely sleep more than 7 hours a night. This is not for lack of trying. I just...can't. Even if I go to bed early I wake up at 4am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to start the day. This morning I was extremely close to going to the pool at 4:30 when they opened, but I somehow convinced myself to fall back asleep. 

7. My  go-to hairstyle in pretty much any occasion is a side braid with a headband. 

8. It annoys me that my arms are getting bigger due to my 2 hour pool workouts.

9. I do not own a pair of plain white socks. 

10. I was convinced for a long, long time that milk was pronounced "melk" Stupid Wisconsin accent. 

11. I've adequately replaced coffee with tea. I can't remember the last cup of coffee I had. Yes, I'm terribly surprised that I don't miss it as much as I thought I would. 

12. For the first time in 2 months I am actually getting a tiny, tiny, bit sick of swimming every day.

13. I'm planning to do a century ride this summer with one of my friends. 

14. I want to write a book someday. I have no clue what I would write about or if people would even find it remotely interesting. But, I still want to write one. 

15. I mapquest everything. I rarely go anywhere without looking at mapquest directions first. Something you should know about me: before this was a habit of mine I had a long, and pathetic history of getting lost easily. 

Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. wandered over here from runthisamazingday...yay RFFs!

    #3 agreed. plain water is gross.

    #13 ooh I had dreams of a century this summer too - dreamt while training in the dumb DC humidity for my fall marathon. wonder if I'll recover from this injury in time to do that still...

  2. I can't sleep more than 6 (*maybe* 7) hours a night. Apparently there's new research showing that not everyone actually needs 8 hours. I feel like I function better on less.

    When I was little, I had lots of ideas for books to write. I really wanted to do mysteries (like Nancy Drew). I think I still have the notebooks full of stories somewhere in a closet at my parents' house?
