
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Brand New Dreams

"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again"

I began something important yesterday. Obviously I figured that everyone in the universe should know about it, and thus here you go. 

A long time ago I started thinking about doing an Ironman. When I first began this thought process I was in the peak of my running days, with everything to lose and yet nothing to fear. I wasn't sure about that whole swim/bike thing but I was pretty sure that running a marathon would be a piece of cake for me.

Fast forward 1 year and 6 months. That dream didn't go away, it just changed a bit. I realized that swimming a 4k....that's not too doesn't even take an hour. But the bike? I'll get to that later... the marathon? Oh gosh. 

But back to the biking thing. Yesterday, I got it into my head that I needed to see if I could make it. Not 100 because I've done that already, but the IM distance-112. In the last 22 miles something grabbed hold of me and I realized that this "crazy" thing could actually become a reality sometime in the near future. Turns out that the only thing I didn't think I'd have to worry about is the thing that I'm the least confident about. Twenty-six miles is  quite a bit of running people! And especially after that much swimming and biking. I gave up on running a marathon ever about 9 months ago so this is a scary plan for me to really make a reality. However, today I don't have any sore muscles considering the 112 bike-a bit of chafing, but no sore muscles amazingly enough. Sorry for the rambling but I'm trying to make sense of this plan as I type. 

I'd like to set my sights on IM Wisconsin within the next 3-5 years. I know that it takes about a full year to get used to and train for an Ironman. In addition, training for this is going to require of me a new bike, and oh...yeah the ability to run too. 

But even with all of these obstacles in the way, I do believe that this is the direction I must head. I declared yesterday the official "Iron(wo)man training day 1" and I am holding myself to Ironman WI within the next 5 year (hopefully sooner)

Keep on dreaming my friends, but also realize that even when one dream fails, a better one is soon to follow. 

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely hope you make this dream of yours a reality and I look forward to following your journey on here :-)
