
Friday, June 22, 2012


1. At the bike store I work at I am already famous amongst my co-workers for having the most muscular legs.

2. I'm considering trying veganism.

3. I have an obsession with black beans and anything made with black beans.

4. I recently read the #1 book on New York Times best seller list 50 Shades of Grey. For a bestseller it was pretty awful. BUT now I'm obsessed and have to read the rest of the series to figure out what happens.

5. I put chia seeds and flaxmeal in prettttty much everything.

6. I write out a monthly budget every month and put the designated amount of cash into the designated envelope.

7. I get a lot of my blog quotes from the inspirational tweeters that I follow.

8. Unlike most people, my hair looks awesome when it's humid.

9. Whenever I'm bored and sitting somewhere I massage the bottom of my foot with a golf ball.

10. I bake oftentimes when I'm upset.

11. I re-organized the tri wall at work and got two new free swim caps for doing it. Well...more like because I was complaining about how fast I ruin swim caps.

12. Living on my own is harder than  I thought it would be. I hate being in charge of my own bills and things like that. It's so complicated.

13. I miss my physical therapist, though I'm glad I'm not in physical therapy anymore.

14. I've been swimming a lot more lately and I've realized that I missed it a lot.

15. SOMEWHERE deep down inside I found the will to race again (more later!)

16. I'm really bad at unlocking doors. It takes me forever to figure out which way to turn the key.

17. I feel like all of my friends are married or engaged and thinking about babies. I  however, continue to patiently wait for the whole "I want a family" gene to kick in. I'll probably end up a crazy cat lady yet.

18. I run faster on trails than on roads.

19. My food tastes have been changing a lot lately.  A lot of the foods I used to love I just don't really care about anymore (raisens, carrots, celery, honey,) Recently all it's been a lot of cereal and apples.

20. During my runs I stop and have random dance parties a lot. Yes of course I make sure no one is watching.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. :D
    i want to go on a dance party run with you sometime!!!! he he :D
