
Friday, May 18, 2012

Random Fact Friday

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

1. I have a $50 bike light for when I ride home in the dark. I also use it for a flashlight to wander around my apartment in the dark at night.

2. I'm so so so excited to decorate my new apartment. 

3. I feel more athletic when the veins in my arms stick out. 

4. The people at my job make fun of each other for eating animal products like honey. I get hardcore made fun of for eating  yogurt (because WHO would want to eat the spoiled breastmilk of a different species...?) God forbid anyone talks of eating meat.
4 1/2. We also make fun of people who drive cars. 

5. Missing running was awful. Not missing it, was much worse. This is still a touchy subject for me, even though it's a little bit better.

6. I always sleep with my windows open. (just a crack if it's cold) But there's something soothing about hearing nighttime noises.

7 . I fell in love with a bike at work. I spend about 25% of my work day staring at it. 
 Most gorgeous thing I've ever seen in my life. Please excuse me as I wipe my drool off of the         floor.

8. Long bike ride? (or run or whatever it is that you do to workout) Might I suggest peanut butter flavored gu on a banana? yuuuum. Or my newest discovery GU in a tortilla. 

9. When I broke my foot I packed away all of my running medals and trophies and other miscellaneous awards. All that's left on display are my numbers. 

10.  Every once in awhile when I'm sitting somewhere I still double check to make sure I don't have crutches under my seat. I know it's weird. 

11.  I think having finals is stupid. It's the last week of school. Either you know it or you don't. Having 6 tests in one week to "test" students' knowledge is idiotic. 

12. I hate malls. In fact I hate anything that has to do with shopping that is not a bike store, an organic food store or a thrift store. Cooperate America scares me. If I happen get rich someday that money is being sent to a country far, far, away to someone who needs it. (after I buy a horse obviously)

13. I graduate from college...tomorrow. Holy. Crap. 

14. The longest bike ride I've ever done was 75 miles and it was this week on Monday. I felt epic. I couldn't walk. I did 76 on Wednesday. Next week a co-worker and I are planning a century. 

15. I have one deodorant and body spray for every bag/purse/gym bag/backpack I own. I have a fear of ever having  B.O. I also sometimes don't have to shower as many times per day as I workout. This is a deadly combination in the body odor department.

16. My favorite professor got me a plant and a card for graduation :)

17. My roommate and I are discussing getting a kitten 

18. Batman was my favorite cartoon when I was 7 years old. 

19. I have two great personality flaws. One is that I fear confrontation. Like, irrationally fear it. The other is that I'm extremely indecisive. I'm terrified of making the "wrong"decision. 

20. I'm going to make my kids do their own laundry someday. I am not going to make them pay for college however.

21. I like chopsticks better than forks.

22. I'm currently boycotting make-up. 

23.  Oh......I got into another Psy.D. program this week that originally had wait listed me. I should be ecstatic. But really, I'm just panicking about what to do all over again. 

24. I finished my last final (a paper) at 5am Wednesday morning. It's the only time in four years that I've ever procrastinated an assignment. 

25. I like big sunglasses. 

Annnnnnd not so time I write I'll be a college graduate. Oh how time flies, how things can completely change in only 4 short years. I graduate with two majors, two conference titles, a trip to nationals, 3 graduate school acceptances (two to Ph.D. programs), and no regrets. 

Have a margarita for me in honor of my graduation. Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Aren't nighttime noices the best? I enjoy having my window open at night as well! Congrats on graduating my friend!!
