
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Flowers and Goals.

"Don't give up on me, I'm about to come alive" -Train

It has been an extremely profound month for me. I can't remember ever having grown so much  in my life as I did this month. Sure, as always it came with it's portion of burdens and hardships but at the same time I got more wonderful things out of it. It was again, a game of give and take, taking the good with the bad, all in stride. 

Here's a look back at April

1. Call your grad school. Tell them you're coming. For sure.  Done and done. Hello Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology. 
2. First warm day bike 70 miles. April 15th. 
3. Start eating super, super healthy Doing pretty well, not sure I should cross it off though.
4. Go to more yoga classes. 300 miles/week of cycling demands this Fail. I haven't gone to any. I'm currently paying for it with the biggest cramp my calf has ever seen. 
5. Speaking of permitting 350 mile week. Weather permitting. exactly. Stupid April. 
6. I turn 22 on April 2nd. Since I turned 21 I have never purchased for myself an alcoholic beverage. Go to a bar and do this! Not. I'm a baby what can I say. 
7. Cook all of the vegetarian dishes I pinned in pinterest. (this is also code for don't eat any meat, work on becoming a full time vegetarian) Haven't eaten any meat in a month!
8. Try to swim at least 1 day per week. Ummmm I swam like once.
9. Run Run Run Run! I should be cleared by April 18th!  Done and conquered
10. Don't be afraid to go running.  :)

Apparently I didn't do the best with some of these. haha. But I do feel like I accomplished the important ones (ahem...RUNNING!). Getting cleared was a big step for me this month. But getting clear-headed was an even bigger step for me. I've slowly but surely been making peace with the world now that I'm able to run again. Letting go of all of my anger and resentment of this injury and getting back on track, learning to love both life and running in moderation. Slowly, I've allowed running, and thoughts of running back into my life. 

So what's next?

1. Start running regularly. Slowly inch yourself back into the swing of things. You can do it!

2. THIS MONTH: at least one 350 mile week. 

3. Stretch nonstop. stretch stretch stretch. no more achilles issues. 

4. Keep with vegetarianism keep focusing on protein though too. 

5. Start swimming more. Its good for you!

6. 80 mile ride anyone?

7. Find a job. And an apartment. ugh

8. Graduate from college.

These are pretty hefty goals so I'm just going to leave it there for now. I pray that I continue to live and learn and grow and conquer. I have a lot of big big changes coming up. But change makes life that much more adventurous. 

Adversity: Conquer it. 


  1. I like your May list. How long have you been a vegetarian? I have been thinking of doing that myself.

  2. Been official for a little over a month. Unofficial for a lot longer. I could't commit fully at first but I found that once I did and started telling people I was it became much easier.
