
Saturday, May 12, 2012

One of Those Weeks

"Sometimes all it takes is 20 seconds of insane courage."

It's been one of those weeks. You know where thing after thing after thing piles up and finally you're so burdened that you collapse. This week was already hard because I started THE BEST JOB EVER (but I'll get to that in a few paragraphs.) Anyways at THE BEST JOB EVER they apparently love me, so even though it was only my first 4 days thus far I have already worked 20 hours. Yeah. It's awesome, but it's stressful trying to balance that with school-apartment hunting-swimming-biking-running-ellipticalling-yoga-track get the idea. 

Then at the end of this week one of my closest friends suffered a very great loss...which by the way was the reason there were no silly, random facts on Friday. I wasn't really in a silly or random mood. Being with her seemed a bit more prevalent. I chose to spend Friday mourning with my friend.

And on top of that, this was my last week of undergraduate schooling. For four years I talked of nothing but graduate school and getting out of regular college and the future. But the future is now and now that it's here, it's a bit more scary than I had originally imagined. I'm basically leaving home as I've known it for four years. I'm leaving everyone I love and everything I had loved.

In addition, I had to get a job for this summer. This is what I mentioned before as THE BEST JOB EVER. I work at a bike store. Never before have I had a job where I've immediately gotten along with and gotten accepted by all of the people who already work there. It's like we're all so similar. Most of them are some combination of vegan/vegetarian. They all love biking and think nothing of riding 80 miles just for the heck of it. We compare bicycling tan lines and our conversations revolve around professional athleticism, nutrition, and the  best roads to bike in the country. It's also the one place that I can go in the world that I don't miss running. Because running isn't important, only biking. Running is only mentioned as that thing that you have to do after you get off of a bike during a triathlon.

Speaking of running-that's been a problem this week as well. I'm not sure what happened with this. At the beginning of this whole "coming back thing" I got excited for my little 8 minute runs and my whole day revolved around those walk/runs I got to do. But all of a sudden, it just went away. I haven't run in like 3 days. I didn't even notice until today when I realized I hadn't run in a couple of days. I then thought about going on a 15 minute run, but then I chose to elliptical instead, because I didn't feel like it. I don't remember the last time that I made my own decision not to run. It was a scary realization actually. I think the last time I ran was Wednesday morning. Technically I could have gone Friday, but I didn't. Again I could have gone today, but I didn't. I biked. I ellipticalled. But I didn't run.

Oh. But I DID find a place to life. Check one for monthly goals.

Lots of random thoughts in no particular order. This is a more in depth sort of randomness.

Hope you're having a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry for your friend's loss and it's wonderful of you that you were there for her. Also, congrats on the job!!
