
Monday, November 14, 2011

50 Ways to Keep Your Mind Off of Your Potentially Broken Foot. (or whatever injury ails you)

"Don’t fight challenges. Find a different way to stand"

1. Start a blog! yesssss
2. Enroll in a class so you can pretend to have a different hobby for awhile...painting, sculpting, yoga-ing. ...Whatever floats your boat.
3. Clean your house-top to bottom
4. Volunteer somewhere.
5. Watch lots and lots of old movies
6. Shopping. Lots and lots of shopping. (internet shopping if you're on crutches)
7. Write a letter to someone you love. 
8. Get a haircut/massage/facial/mani/pedi
9. Spend some quality time with your dog (cat). If you don't have one spend said quality time with someone else's dog/cat. 
10. Bake something delicious. 
11.  Get unhealthily addicted to a T.V. series (I strongly recommend Dexter)
12. Facebook stalk your high school boyfriends/friends/rivals/frenemies/ teachers
13. Read an awesome book. 
14. Caffeine
15. Eat your fav. childhood comfort food for every meal until it makes you feel better...pb &j <3
16. Reassure yourself that all of your friends love you for far more than the fact that you run. 
17. Youtube music videos from when you were in middle school. Proceed to laugh at your music taste. 
18. Do something artsy to release pent-up, painting, poetry writing....
19. Redecorate. But try to do it with things you already have and/or find. 
20. (re)Count your blessings. 
21. Go to a mall or coffee shop get something yummy to drink and people-watch
22. Research something. 
23. Laugh. a lot. Surround yourself with people who will make you laugh. 
24. Pray/meditate/go to church etc...
25. Get a tattoo (temporary or otherwise)
26. Wear bright and happy colors.
27. Re-arrange your closet. Donate anything you haven't worn in a year or more. 
28. Get away. Go to a coffee shop in a different town to read or go to the zoo by yourself. Don't tell anyone where you're going and just escape for a couple hours to somewhere awesome. 
29. Go to a theater and go to whatever movie happens to be playing at the time you arrive. (no cheating and checking to see what time a movie you want to see starts).
30. Learn a new language.
31. Have a slumber party. Fort-building is optional but strongly recommended.
32.  Take a long, hot shower. With the radio on. Sing. Loudly. 
33.  Research a dream vacation. 
34. Learn a musical instrument.
35. Take naps
36. Go over to your best guy friend's house/apartment and play one of those videogames where you get to shoot people. It actually is quite effective when it comes to getting anger out. 
37. Do some music therapy. Search itunes and find some new stuff. 
38. Make plans with an old  friend. 
39. Do something that was completely forbidden while you were in training. like (gasp!) soda
40. Allow people to do stupid things to try to cheer you up. Smile because of how much you are loved. 
41. Go to a grocery store and buy candy. Hand it out to random people. (don't be creepy!)
42.  Make a profile on a social media network and spend all your time creating a twitter or google + or flickr
43. Go around a take "artistic" pictures. Fool around in photoshop with them to make them even more artistic. 
44. If all else fails just lay on the floor for a bit and cry until you can't anymore.
45. Decorate your crutches. Let other people try them. Because they will want to. And it will make you laugh. 
46. If you only get to wear one shoe mix it up and wear something crazy like a high heeled boot or something really crazy-colored. 
47. Go to a track. Do some laps on your crutches. 
48. Imagine that you're a kid and you're just playing hot lava again. 
49. Work really really hard on your job/homework. It'll take your mind off it and it will provide success for you in some other way. 
50. Screw it and go running on broken foot anyways.

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