
Friday, November 4, 2011

Traditional Friday Post of Random Facts

What you want to do, and what you can do, is limited only by what you can dream. ~Mike Melvill

1. 8 more days. One more minute

2. I'm really bad at doing group work in school. When I have a group project what generally happens is I do the project myself and email it to my partners and apologize for doing the whole thing myself but I just had "so much extra time" In reality I don't trust anyone else with my grades. Yeah yeah I know I'm not a team player. I don't care. 

3. I made a list today and hung it up in my room called "things you forgot to do when you started focusing only on running" it includes things such as homework. applying to graduate school and the like. I shutter to think that my current priorities place foamrolling above choosing my classes for next semester. On the other hand, regionals is 1 week away soooo I don't really care. 

4. I just found out that I've been anemic for the past couple months....this accounts for some of the leg tiredness. 

5. If I had been a boy my parents were going to name me William. ugh. As I was a girl there was a tremendous argument between Katherine and Teagan. I'm glad my mom won. 

6. Assuming I get my butt in gear and get my grad school applications finished, someday I want to start a new branch of psychology focusing on PTSD in rape victims and why it inhibits their ability to return to work. 

7. When I talk to people I use my eyes waaaay to much. They get huge when I'm excited and squinty when I'm mad. 

8. I feel like I run better when I do a lot of ab workouts

9. I have a huge collection of pokemon cards from when I was in gradeschool. huge. 

10. When I watch horror movies I absolutely expect to be terrified. And I don't get scared easily so anything that doesn't terrify me serves as a horrible disappointment (hello Paranormal Activity 1, 2, and 3). 

Have a good weekend everyone! :)

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