
Monday, December 5, 2011

One. More. Week.

"Tough times don't last but tough people do." - A.C. Green 

I could be walking in a week you know. Next Monday is my next appointment with the doctor. Next Tuesday is my potential next x-rays. 

Am I excited? 

Well no, not really. I'm terrified. I realize that getting rid of the crutches and huge ugly boot seems as though it's something that the average person would be excited about, however this is not really true. Because, you see I'm really really afraid for what it's going to be like to try to walk again after 4 weeks of not walking. Also, as you may have guessed, if I try walking again I run the risk of it hurting, which means I run the risk of discovering that it's not healed. My foot still hurts a lot and I'm afraid that getting rid of the crutches will get my hopes up too much and all it will do is serve to remind me that I still can't run. I'm afraid that walking will hurt more than crutches do. I'm afraid of how slow I'll run when I re-start running. I'm afraid that something else will break... I'm afraid to start running again. 

In addition I'll miss all of the cool things I get to do on crutches. I won't get to go on walks with crutches. I'll have to actually use both of my feet...JUST when I was getting super fast on crutches too! I'll miss people being so nice to me. I mean, normally people don't go out of their way to open the door for you, or do your laundry for you. Oh, yeah and I'll of course miss how incredibly good crutches make you look as an accessory. hahI'm kidding of course. 

I can't believe that it will have been over 4 weeks since the last time I put weight on my foot. 
one more week 
one more week
one more week

Keep your fingers crossed for me please


  1. Katie, my heart has been broken for you these past few weeks but I haven't known what to say. Just know that I'm sending you healing thoughts.

  2. thank you! Just the healing thoughts are very very appreciated.
