
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Osteopenia: The Great Nutritional Challenge

“What is stronger, fear or hope?” ― Lance Armstrong

Osteopenia is defined as bone mineral density (BMD) that is lower than normal peak BMD but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis according to Web MD. It's not enough to be serious you see, but it is enough to be seriously considered. Apparently it is also enough to stop you dead in your tracks at the 4k mark of NCAA regionals.

So what, then, is the cure? 

There are of course, medications that a person can take, but unless you are on the brink of osteoporosis they're not generally recommended. And, I don't necessarily want to go on medication. So, my challenge for the rest of this healing period is to work on this nutritional challenge and harden my bones by the time I start running again. 

Every conversation that I've had about my foot goes something like this: 
Person: What happened?!?
Me: I broke my heel from running. 
Person: Oh. You should drink milk!

Of COURSE I should drink milk. I know that. The entire world knows that. Do I drink milk? no. I don't like milk and I never have. I do eat yogurt and ice cream, but just because I have yogurt for breakfast 4 days a week does not mean that my calcium intake is set to go. 

There's so much to consider apart from simply drinking milk (almond milk, soy milk) or eating cheese and yogurt and ice cream (unless of course I ate ice cream 3 times a day which I would be O.K. with me) For instance, there are foods that can aid or ruin your calcium absorption. For instance, a highly acidic diet can detract from calcium absorption. Not getting enough vitamin D can also stop your calcium absorption in it's tracks. I feel like it should be so simple. But at the same time I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of information that's out there. What I want, is for someone just to tell me exactly what to eat every day and I'll follow it. What I'd like I think, is a nutritionist. As things stand though, it seems like I'm going to need to become my own nutritionist, studying what can help me and finding the best way to take on osteopenia. 

I'll be working on putting together a nice little nutritional program over my last week of Christmas break. I'm hoping that somehow, I'll be able to get it together and fix this whole osteopenia thing before it's time to run again. I'm open to any and all suggestions as well. 

For now, I'll just be reading up on osteopenia and slowly digging my way out of the calcium-deficit hole that I have apparently dug myself into. 

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